moBILLity Revolutionizing the way we all deal with our finances Country: UK | City: London | Employees: 3 Year Started: March 2016 | Sector: Banking & Accounting Product stage: Idea | Website: Team Product Team Founders: What is it? We aggregate users’ bank accounts and e.g. utility Lukas Christian Zoerner, CEO accounts & show them a dashboard of their finances. After graduating from University of Mannheim Through connecting payments with data (like bills), we (Business Administration). Lukas worked as an are able to analyze the user’s datastream and if e.g. investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley advising cheaper energy providers exist we allow him to switch clients from the power & utilities sector with a special via our app. focus on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the UK Julien Deray, CTO Revenue model: Once a user switches his e.g. energy- After graduating from engineering school, Julian provider and saves for example £1,000 a year with the worked as the only Tech employee at FinTech startup new provider, we take a 10% share of this achieved PDX Technology. During his studies it was mandatory savings. to complete a longer industry placement which he performed at Serli. Scalability: Previous funding: N/A Employees, Advisors & Investors: Average monthly revenues: N/A Planned fundraising: £150,000 Jose Vicente Chavez Hernandez, Employee Market What is the need or problem being satisfied? Consumers don’t have time & know-how to handle their finances but nevertheless want to improve their financial situation. Competitive Advantage: Through combining personal finance management, price comparison websites, bill management and in the future also bill payment (through PSD2), we offer our users a one-stop solution which deals with all their finances in one place. This platform concept allows us in the future to scale through on-top products like e.g. automatic investments of saved money. Competitors show users how bad their finances are but we are the ones improving them. Market Size: We waste ~£800/pa by having overpriced/oversized recurring contracts for energy, mobile, etc. Hence c. £20bn could be saved every year if all households switched to better contracts. Aggregators don’t see that showing users how bad their finances are is not enough, and switching platforms don’t see that users need a one-stop solution for finances.

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