Magneta AI-powered messaging system for customer support Country: Russia | City: Moscow | Employees: 6 Year Started: September 2015 | Sector: CRM Software Product stage: Users | Website: Team Product Team Founders: What is it? We give to the enterprise powerful customer support Nikita Filippov, CEO tool via chat. Studied jet propulsion at Samara State Aerospace. Product Manager & Entrepreneur from 2008 We create supervised learning based models on chat Audrey Pachay, CTO logs so that we create automated answers to reduce Studied Industrial electronics @ Togliatti State the amount of people at help desk team and increase University. Developer/SW Architect for 13 years, Data the speed of response to the customers. Science Engineer for 2 years Vechaslav Akulov, COO Revenue model: Software as a service (SaaS) Studied Customs Law & Finances @ Russian Customs Academy. Product Manager for 5 years Scalability: Previous funding: 150,000 EUR Employees, Advisors & Investors: Average monthly revenues: 5,000 EUR Planned fundraising: 600,000 EUR N/A Market What is the need or problem being satisfied? Provide banks with an AI-powered helpdesk to automate customer support, enhancing customer experience and eventually freeing resources for the banks Competitive Advantage: We are creating automation using machine learning algorithms & neural networks. It is hard to define truly competitive advantage, but true is that is an experimental area. And we can lead by running this experiments early than others and gain data and knowledge. Market Size: $40 bln market of CRM Solution and it growth for 20% every year. 8 of them is customer support using live- chats. We're focusing on Banks & Insurance.

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