Born in Argentina in 2016, RSK is the first smart The side chain involves a primary blockchain contract platform secured by bitcoin network. It ―the large public network of bitcoin ecosystem― commenced transactions with a 1-million-dollar and a secondary blockchain, which is properly financing, and having Digital Currency Group, the RSK’s blockchain. This way, the company Coinsilium and Bitmain Technologies, one of works as a side chain allowing it to use the native the most important hardware mining entities currency of the primary blockchain without need RSK of bitcoin in the world, among their investors. of creating a new cryptocurrency. One of the differential values of RSK protocol is it does not Under B2B and B2B2C model, the purpose of RSK generate a speculative value because it neither is to add value and functionality to the bitcoin mint, nor have, previously mined coins. network by allowing smart contracts ‒computer codes allowing to automatically verify and en- RSK works as a network having a social impact, force an agreement, without the intermediation as mentioned in the quote from its webpage: “We of any person‒ instant payments and a higher are committed to creating a more accessible scalability. flexible and inclusive financial system that will improve the life of billions of people.” Even though bitcoin does not provide a smart contract functionality, it does have the techno- A concrete example is a fidelization program logical soundness, strength and efficiency as a implemented in the sales team of an Argentinean settlement or conciliation network needed to bank for which RSK developed a wallet, which implement these contracts, for which, transac- instead of bitcoins has points of that bank that tions become irreversible, after sixty minutes. may be transparently consulted. The blockchain technology, a large decentralized Currently RSK cooperates with specialized part- database that registers in form of blockchain the ners in an educative project intended to teach and information of digital transactions, is supporting create more common knowledge on blockchain the bitcoin protocol. and smart contracts. To secure its system, RSK uses the cryptograph- RSK exemplifies that cooperation between start- ic waste of the bitcoin system and adds a new ups and traditional companies cannot only protection layer using its own technology. To potentiate the initiative, but also the bank… and connect intelligent contracts to the bitcoin beyond, the world itself. network, RSK uses the merge mining and side chain technology. A TWO-WAY PATH 91

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