Daniel Arenas ―entrepreneur and former Director The service consists of an information cypher of Information Security of Conecta Soluciones membership, under the premise that it is not Tecnológicas, a company offering digital solu- necessary to purchase expensive security in- tions to the banking sector of Mexico and Latin frastructure nor develop a special software. Tes- America― created Tesseract in October 2016, seract offers an all-in-one and presents security as a solution to the cyber-delinquency problem solutions compiling cloud-based and updating TESSERACT in Mexico. in one single package. www.tesseract.mx Tesseract is a digital security company with Tesseract sees the microfinancing sector as a technology encrypting the information with an highly potential market for both the number alphanumeric cypher and soft tokens, which are of saving corporations in Mexico, and the need validated through a NIP linked to a smartphone. of these units to acquire information cypher solutions; likewise, Tesseract offers the financial The company’s executive team has more than service startups special attention with partial ten years of experience in the financial sector and flexible payment products and schemes to and has participated in the development of mo- have them complied with the legal requirements bile banking in Mexico. Besides Daniel Arenas, and new legislations. The Comisión Nacional Daniel Guzman, Daniel Mendieta and Francisco Bancaria y de Valores [National Banking and Se- Illescas, Chief Marketing Officer, are founders of curities Commission] (CNBV), which supervises Tesseract, who received 15,000 to invest in their more than 5,000 financial entities in Mexico, will initiative after participating in Startupbootcamp add the FinTechs because of the enactment of FinTech Mexico City in 2017. the FinTech Law in March 2018, that same year Tesseract has eight clients in its portfolio: Two Since Tesseract is a spin-off of Connecta, its banks, two savings banks, two Sofipos and two natural market is the financial sector; however, FinTechs. Its CEO is planning to close this year their cyber security solutions may be applied and with six more clients and two-fold the 2017 profits, adapted to the needs of any type of companies, 4 million pesos, approximately. such as hospitals, telecommunications and government services, among others. Currently, Tesseract works, as already mentioned, with soft tokens and the following step involves Tesseract’s offer is distinguished for providing the use of facial biometric recognition, voice digital security services accessible to small com- recognition and even behavior recognition. panies. Tesseract’s differentiator is the flexibility to lease the security infrastructure and attention tailored to each client’s needs. A TWO-WAY PATH 92

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