There is an app revolutionizing the finances, Payit service is free for users. Revising your bal- disappearing cash and offering in exchange a ance and making transactions with your debit digital, agile and simple solution for any person card or top up a mobile has no cost. The model may access his money. Its name is Payit and it is to gain money and capitalize the business is freely available for iOS and Android. Everything through fees on payments, with credit card (3%), commenced in August 2016, thanks to a seed American Express (5.5%), transferring a balance PAYIT capital investment of 350,000 dollars granted to a bank account (7.50 pesos) and payment of by Grupo MAPS and Investo. affiliated services (9.00 pesos). Likewise, users of this app may use this app without being af- Currently, to access Payit, you only have to filiated to any financial institution and receive download the app, create a user and link it to cash through an electronic payment card, which a bank credit or debit account. Thereupon, you may not be linked to the commercial banking. can make money transfers to any contact in your mobile address book. The platform does In this way, a person who was not bankarized, not work as a financial service company, but it currently already accepts digital payments and safeguards the money users have in their Payit may access his money through a debit card pro- account, an intermediary bank account. When cessed within five minutes. Nowadays, Payit has users need to use cash, Payit transfers that money more than 105,000 users and more than 117,000 to their linked account. transactions conducted, equivalent to 26 million pesos transacted since August 2016. The company Martin MexĂ­a, Payit CEO, imagined, created and is growing 25% per month and earns in average created with his team this digital payment mobile 2.5 million pesos in transactions per month. platform that, in his opinion, serves the needs that not even the mobile banking nor portable The goal is to reach one million users by the end terminals could solve. of 2018 and 7 million in five years. With Payit, you can transfer money to any person from mobile devices and smartphones. You can make payments from informal commerce, such as a carwash until repaying a friend any cash loan to pay jointly an account. Recipients of the transaction do not necessarily have to be users of this app, because the trans- actions may be made through a text message, email or sole interbanking code (CLABE). A TWO-WAY PATH 90

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