The turmoil of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in establishment the credit and debit cards may be Mexico, one of the 70 countries where the brand used, even in which geographic location, which HSBC MEXICO operates, captured the vision of HSBC executives gives to its clients total control and security. and took them to the innovator bridge by joining Startupbootcamp FinTech, the global network of This shows us the form that collaboration can accelerators that, with the collaboration of Fin- take, by adding the FinTechs as technological novista, launched its first acceleration program partners of HSBC Mexico, where the contribution in Latin America at the beginning of 2017, and of each participant adds value to the equation then a escale program by the end of the same of servicing the client with more efficiency, year. Both programs are based in Mexico City. flexibility and security. The immersion of HSBC Mexico in this entre- Being a partner or technological provider of preneurial environment privileging financial a financial institution is the most recurrent technology has enabled HSBC Mexico to look at scheme in the digital transformation era. If the itself and realize its own needs need for digital business model of the FinTech company is to renewal. Thus, HSBC Mexico created a formal reach a wide consumer base or if it is seeking partnership with Startupbootcamp FinTech for to raise resources, it needs the collaboration of being the sole accelerator one hundred percent a bank or an institution allowing it to perform engaged in this matter. Its participation was these functions, which opens a discussion on active, being part of the definition of topics con- the Open Banking scheme, for which there are sidered as relevant from the point of selection of no complete rules. startups, such as initiatives related to biometrics, AI or machine learning, without limitation. HSBC Mexico has committed itself to collaborate with FinTech companies as technological allies, Previously, the financial institution has created instead of creating its own programs. HSBC a relationship with a company that, within five Mexico is currently in the stage of establishing years, evolves to become a technological provid- pilot programs with some startups pertaining to er in this sector. This is demonstrated with the the first generation of Startupbootcamp FinTech HSBC Control Total product, launched in 2017: Mexico City. an app allowing control of the credit and debit cards of the bank’s clients with one single key, disabling the use of them without cancelling and them and habilitate the credit and debit cards in the same way; in addition to defining in which A TWO-WAY PATH 89

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