Fiinlab, Gentera’s innovation laboratory with Fiinlab is a bridge between Gentera, clients and a strong focus on financial inclusion, bases its startups aiming at helping them and contribute success and strength in the collaboration with to their growth. its partners, startups and other accelerators. One of its main interests is to generate internal If the startups are in an early stage, Fiinlab con- projects, inspiring those composing Gentera to nects them with organizations such as Startup- FIINLAB bring ideas and create proposals on three axis bootcamp FinTech Mexico City, MassChallenge as innovation strategy: 1) intra-preneurship, or Village Capital for their acceleration. 2) Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) and 3) Inno- vation COOLture. To foster startups with advanced prototypes al- ready being functional, Fiinlab works with them The intra-preneurship works as a venture builder to create a pilot, giving them access to its office and uses internal resources to build initiatives space, clients, connection to its own technology from the very beginning until taking them to a through a sandbox and APIs to help that company pilot, spin-off or integrate them to any company to mature its prototype. Then, Fiinlab assesses of the group, transforming the corporate mindset. the results and works with the team to define the following steps. In the Corporate Venture Capital axis, the startup is assessed and invested according to its values, Regarding mature teams with social impact ideas strategy and ability to construct and execute a that already have traction and a talent able to disruptive vision in the industry. execute it, Fiinlab invest in them as a strategic partner to accelerate the initiative. Finally, the innovation COOLture is the creation of an entrepreneurial community and its connection By being party of Gentera structure, Fiinlab may with the group and entrepreneurial system, itself. contribute to startups resources from the finan- cial institution, give access to its infrastructure Regarding how it operates, Fiinlab contacts ac- ―including the digital part― contact its clients celerators and through them Fiinlab connects and share its know-how. In turn, Fiinlab receives with startups Fiinlab may be interested in. Fiinlab innovating ideas from entrepreneurs to incor- and startups interact, and Fiinlab classifies and porate them to its internal project, generating assesses them to identify in what maturity stage thereby the innovation COOLture. each one is. In some cases, if there is a fit between what Gentera needs and what the startup offers, Fiinlab has five investments and seven intra- the link created through the innovation lab is preneurships per year. consolidated into an investment. In summary, A TWO-WAY PATH 88

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