04 INSIGHTS FROM STARTUPS ACROSS 13 INDUSTRIES WORLDWIDE This report reveals the results of our research, WHICH INDUSTRY IS YOUR COMPANY IN? as well as providing advice for both corporate and startup audiences from some of the most L M experienced innovation leaders in the market today. K It’s a “must read” for any entrepreneur or anyone J in a corporate that wants to tap into the startup I ecosystem to accelerate innovation within their A business. This page provides an overview of the H startups that took part in the research. G IN WHAT YEAR WAS YOUR COMPANY FOUNDED? F Before 2010 1.6% B E 2010 4.7% D 2011 C 3.1% A B2B/Enterprise 26.6% 2012 B Finance 15.6% 12.5% C Transportation 10.9% 2013 D Lifestyle & Media 7.8% 17.2% E Energy & Resource 7.8% 2014 F Education 6.3% G Electronics & Manufacturing 6.3% 23.4% H Marketing & Advertising 6.3% 2015 I E-commerce & Retail 3.1% 29.7% J Telecommunications 3.1% K Health/Medical 3.1% 2016 L Security 1.6% 7.8% M Smart Home 1.6% WHERE IS YOUR COMPANY BASED? All Others 17.6% Germany 10.9% Spain 9.4% United Kingdom 7.8% Denmark 6.3% United States 4.7% Austria 4.7% Singapore 4.7% India 3.1% Ireland 3.1% Israel 3.1% Slovenia 3.1% Netherlands 1.9%