Manufacture China Made in China 2025: turn China into a “manufacturing superpower” Support the foreign-invested enterprises to get listed, and issued bonds in China, and Ten Key Sectors they are allowed to participate in the national science and technology project. In terms of New Energy Vehicles qualification licensing, standard formulation, government procurement, and the "China made 2025" policy, domestic and foreign enterprises are treated equally. Next-Generation —— Li Keqiang, Government Work Report Information Technology (IT) Biotechnology The Ministry of Industry In 2017, the Ministry of Industry and and Information Information Technology issued 25 New Materials China has set up a special Technology has reached an key areas under Made in China fund to support key projects. agreement with China 2025, including Internet of Aerospace Single project can get about Development Bank (CDB). things(IoT), new materials, smart 30 million to 50 million RMB, From 2015 to 2020, CDB will Ocean Engineering And appliances and high-end consumer some common technology provide financing of no less High-Tech Ships electronics, information security projects or key technology than 300 billion RMB, and capabilities of industrial control projects can get more than Railway multiple financial services systems, quality and safety 100 billion RMB. (like, loans, bonds, traceability system of infant Robotics investment, leasing, etc) to formula milk powder industry etc. "Made in China 2025". Power Equipment Agricultural Machinery Financial Services Support 25 Key Areas Special Fund Support

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