Finding Our Startups Scouting We travelled to many cities around the world to meet the most promising startups in the Smart City space and met some amazing companies Selection Successful Fast tracks in: We conducted over 100 video interviews to 1. London 7. Cairo 13. Kuala Lumpur choose 21 companies from around the world to 2. Paris 8. Lagos 14. Dublin attend our final round selection days. 3. Boston 9.Morocco 15. Stockholm Over 40 mentors attended to meet with the 21 4. NYC 10.Nairobi 16. Mumbai startups to give us their feedback. Together we 5. Austin 11. Dubai 17.Bangalore selected our cohort of the top 10 to be part of the 6. Lisbon 12. Singapore 18. Delhi accelerator 1000+ 100 21 10 Global Video In-person Enter Program Application Interviews Selection SBC Program Report | 9

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