35 A framework for proof-of-concept work Identify & assess Onboard Define & prepare Execute Evaluate Go / no-go Scouting for and Overcome all necessary Working with the start-up Run the Analyse the results Decision as to how assessing potential administrative hurdles and in line with corpo- PoC within and assess against to move forward capability appropriate in order to onboard rate objectives, define the defined the pre-agreed based upon the start-ups that will solve the start-up and make the PoC. Crucially, define timeframe and success criteria. results of the PoC. a business problem / the PoC a success. This what success looks like. limits. Monitor Socialise results meet a business need. should be a clearly Ensure that everything is the results. Dis- with the key stake- Should be aligned to defined and simplified in place (environments, pose of data. holders. corporate objectives. process when com- etc.) so the PoC can run pared to BAU. smoothly.