5. IoT Startups In Action Startup Founders Share Their Journey Making Big Data Small The Intelligent Light That Looks After Your Home Problem being solved Acceleration experience Gateway level, too; where data Problem being solved way, based on your movement self-presentation, ComfyLight was At Teraki, we provide software After completing the IoT is aggregated before being People want to start their day behaviour and without the need able to take a huge step forward. solutions that reduce and program, we moved to back to transmitted in to the network. in a warm secure home. And to program a time switch. Your Collaboration with Intel optimize Big Data from Internet of Berlin - although we still have All these actions are scheduled to they want to have that same home seems always occupied, Things (IoT) sensors in an efficient a base in Barcelona. We joined be presented at the IoT Tech Expo good feeling when they come would-be intruders are deterred To allow us to establish way to enable intelligent actions. the Startupbootcamp program in London in February 2016. Intel’s back after a long day. However, and you feel safe. ComfyLight for a variety of to accelerate our business support is a great opportunity for current security solutions Moreover, ComfyLight reacts additional use cases, we are Our product is a two-part development while at the same Teraki to communicate about the are not providing this feeling. to intrusion, as it immediately currently evaluating the use software. The sensor side, an time solidifying our technology. benefits of our technology for real Furthermore, they are hard sends an alert to your phone if it of Intel IoT module Curie for adaptive selection encoder is cases and to facilitate our access to install, obtrusive, and fairly detects an unexpected presence, ComfyLight V2. deployed and decides intelligently to market. expensive. ComfyLight is a simple empowering you to take instant how to collect the data. Reduction Collaboration with Intel and elegant home security action. of up to 95% can be achieved solution, built in a smart, sensor- without additional computation Our collaboration with Intel Name: Teraki enriched lightbulb and controlled Acceleration experience resources. Only a fraction of includes several action lines to by a smart phone application. Startupbootcamp Smart City and Name: Comfylight AG the data is transmitted. On the showcase the benefits of Teraki Location: Barcelona and Berlin Living program helped transform Location: Zurich platform side, a decoder receives Technology. We are collaborating Founded: 2014 When you are away, ComfyLight ComfyLight AG from a university this information to re-build the around Intel Edison Module to protects your home by automatic project to a real startup. Based Founded: 2015 full dataset for visualization and showcase Teraki technology at Program: IoT & Data presence simulation. It is the on Startupbootcamp’s experience Program: Smart City and Living analysis. the device level. Also, we have first solution which simulates in financing, team recruiting and started to collaborate at the Website: www.teraki.com your presence in a 100% realistic Website: www.comfylight.com 16 17

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