chapter 05 FINANCIAL INCLUSION AND OTHER CHALLENGES OF THE ECOSYSTEM Just as the kaleidoscope model generates infinite possibilities for an ecosystem, it also generates blind spots and poses many challenges that must be addressed with joint effort. Probably the most important for the financial ecosystem in Mexico and Latin America is inclusion. In 2016, the Reporte Nacional de Inclusión Financiera [National Report on Financial Inclusion] revealed that 53 million Mexican adults have no bank account. Only 37% of the population have insurance while 92% of adults still use cash as the main means to purchase goods. The kaleidoscope can not work if a large part of the population is disconnected from the financial system and information technologies. It is a challenge that affects ev- eryone and that can not be solved by the actions of a single market player. “We are looking forward to the total financial inclusion and it cannot be reached through 3.5 million Compartamos clients, but with tools for the whole industry.” J. Gutiérrez, CEO of Fiinlab Institutional conversation, March 9, 2018 Jorge Gutiérrez, CEO of Fiinlab ―innovation laboratory launched by Gentera, has a mission to increase financial inclusion― states that financial inclusion faces three large obstacles to be solved: infrastructure, traditional cost and symmetry of infor- A TWO-WAY PATH 63

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