the need for adjusters to come in person. This makes the process more efficient and improves the experience for the client. The technology applied to the insurance sector, also called InsurTech, is an industry segment having its own inertia and has huge potential. “If you are hit by a third party, instead of having two adjusters attending the accident, you would have two adjusters connected at the same videocall in real time. Although there is no way to standardize this innovation in the insurance industry yet, BDEO is already working with eight companies in Mexico to pilot this technology.” J. Pernía, CEO of BDEO Institutional conversation, March 23, 2018 In both insurance and credit, the market demands increasingly personalized options to specific needs. Creditas is taking advantage of the availability of information from platforms such as Uber to offer loans to people who know they need to buy a car. In the future, access to more and more information will allow us to define more precise risk profiles and more flexible contracting and payment modes. “Creditas has enter alliances with third parties that enable Creditas to acquire clients. With Uber, to offer loans to its drivers and also with architects, to offer loans to their clients wanting to make any change to, or refurbish their home.” S. Furio, founder of Creditas Institutional conversation, February 26, 2018 A TWO-WAY PATH 62

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