EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Technology is the catalyst for change and the financial industry is not exempt: en- terprise FinTechs are the ‘avalanche’ shaking up the banking industry as we had come to know it. Over the last decade, the financial industry has witnessed how new technology has tried to gain a place in the value chain of banking services. This study, based on a sample composed of five financial entities and a selection of entrepreneurs ―some of them associates of Startupbootcamp FinTech― gathers five key findings related to the emergence of FinTechs and their interaction with the financial system. 1 FinTech Law Latin America is home to more than 1,100 FinTechs. It is consolidated as a regional in Mexico has contributed leader in terms of innovation in the financial sector. Mexico has become a pioneer in offering a ‘surfing map’ approved by “FinTech Law”, which has no precedent on a to the future regional basis. This legislation places the customer at the center, allowing the customer of data usage and new to take control of his personal data, generated during any interaction with banking services. It considers a legal framework for innovators to prove the profitability of business models. new business models before deploying them, and certainly operate new concepts, such as crowdfunding, e-payment institutions and virtual assets. In other words, the FinTech Law makes the outlook clear for financial institutions and entrepreneurs, to find a level playing-field, a common language and clear rules that also allow them to explore collaboration. A TWO-WAY PATH 6

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