Today, money converted into information is encoded in bits and bytes, and moves from one place to another! If we get into the world of Investment Banking, complexity is multiplied by several magnitudes. Each financial instrument has its market, supported by its own system to which different sellers, buyers and intermediaries in all types of geography connect. “The investment market is a hyper-dimensional world, where different bonds, capital markets, economic conditions and geographies, models and politics mix.” A. Villaquirán, founder of Alkanza Institutional conversation, February 12, 2018 We went from the idea of a “hyperdimensional” puzzle to that of a “kaleidoscope”, since it is increasingly difficult for a single actor, however large, to dominate what is happening in all the pieces. In the 21st Century a door has been opened to per- fect connections, to enhance the performance of a single or multiple variables that, through the FinTechs, connect to increase value throughout the ecosystem, as Visa did in the 1970s . A TWO-WAY PATH 59

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