Providers are highly motivated to collaborate with banks because they are their clients, and banks can rely on them to streamline their processes or market intelligence, which ultimately makes them more competitive. The possibility of symbiosis is very high. The challengers can be allies and competitors at different times. In line with the dy- namics of “coopetition”, they can collaborate to develop a greater value of the entire market by introducing better processes and relationship models, and then compete for clients, giving each one its best experience and price. Disruptors move into lesser-known lands and financial institutions see them as longer-term bets. They can become suppliers to improve processes or perhaps the transformation they propose is so profound that whole new business models could emerge. The new myth, the new legend that will be written for the financial ecosystem, is not the disappearance of some and the flight of others, but the symbiosis between the FinTechs and the financial institutions that may have different levels of intensity. In the next chapter we discuss the disruptors in more detail. A TWO-WAY PATH 44

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