13 FINDING THE RIGHT PARTNER REQUIRES COMMITMENT There are many challenges cited by corporates about gap in solutions that we are looking for and that mutual working with startups, including differences in pace, objectives are satisfied.” vocabulary, expectations, professionalism and even scaling issues. However, most of these are obstacles Jorge Rivero from VINCI Energies agrees: “It’s important that can be overcome if the mutual desire is there and to identify the startups that have potential as a an established innovation strategy is in place. balanced team - not only technical - but business people too. This is where Startupbootcamp has helped As highlighted in our alumni research earlier, it’s the us most.” agile startups who need to make the most of the adjustments, which can be frustrating. Florian from Once a connection has been made between an Intel comments: “It’s hard for startups to get used to enterprise and a startup, it’s important that the startup corporates, specifically with their agendas and ways of founder makes their point quickly and drives working. Intel has a strong value proposition and any the relationship. Corporates get very busy and it’s easy cooperation with a startup has to make sense from for things to get overlooked, despite best intentions, the beginning with a clear use case and focus.” warns Florian from Intel. Finding the right partnership is by far the most It’s also important that startup founders are clear critical challenge when collaborating. While 39% of about their role when collaborating explains Lodewijk the Startupbootcamp alumni weren’t sure who to Bonebakker, Head of the ING Customer Experience approach within their targeted organisations, the Center, and a partner for Startupbootcamp’s FinTech flipside for large organisations is validating who the and CyberSecurity, and the Smart City & Living right startups are to invest time into. program: “Most startups don’t have sufficient banking knowledge to easily add value. At the same time, their Tom Kneen, Head of Business Development for Cisco’s pace of innovation is very helpful and we bring the British Innovation Gateway, explains: “We have no knowledge of the regulatory environment, which seems problem finding startups, but the challenge is finding to be the most successful collaborative model. Startups the relevant ones that will support our business with a specific skill that can be integrated into the objectives and get the balance right. We qualify banking systems without direct customer connection startups carefully to ensure they will genuinely fill a are easier to collaborate and integrate with.” We have no problem “ finding startups, but the challenge is finding the relevant ones that will support our business objectives and get the balance right.” Tom Kneen, Head of Business Development for Cisco’s British Innovation Gateway