28 This statistic is part of a wider problem. PwC’s 2017 “Women in Tech, time to close the gender gap” report spoke to over 2000 A-level students to highlight that the gender gap in technology is still prevalent in schools and will therefore impact career choices in the future. Only 8% of young women say a career in technology is their first choice, or one of their first choices, compared to 34% of young men. This is a vicious circle: without female role models, there is 8% a lack of visibility of role models for young women 78% to aspire to; combined with a lack of career advice to girls to get into technology, enforcing the gender 8% of young women say stereotype. of students can’t name a PwC is trying to combat these issues with, for a career in technology is famous female working example, the TechSheCan initiative and a new their first choice, or one in technology network, Women in Insurance and Technology. This of their first choices network aims to take decisive action to combat the pyramid effect of the decreasing proportion of women working in this area as seniority increases. Some of the actions the network is exploring are: the wording of job adverts to ensure gender neutral language; reverse mentoring with more junior women mentoring senior men; and Lean In’s initiative, MentorHer. 16% 5% of females have had a of leadership career in technology positions in the suggested to them (35% technoligy sector are of males) held by women

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