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China Dominates Asia Pacific Investments Currently, total investment in China is higher than the combined investments from the rest of the countries in Asia Pacific. Some of the key reasons why China is dominatingtheFinTechspaceinclude: 01 China’s Internet giants  were the first to market whenitcametodevelopinge-commercethird-party payments. And, as a result, they now control 80% of the Chinese mobile paymentmarket 02 China’s eight FinTech unicorns have raised a CH total of US$9.4bn in funding and have a TE combinedvaluationofUS$96.4bn N I F 03 The four biggest FinTech unicorns in the world F O are Chinese: Ant Financial (US$60bn), Lufax TE (US$18.5bn), JD Finance (US$7bn), and Qufenqi TA S (US$5.9bn) E TH 32

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