Higher Demand From Emerging Markets And Later Stage Startups For the first time in 2016 more later stage startups While we may have become the world’s largest network applied to one of our programs than in previous years. of industry-focused innovation programs, this did Two years ago majority of applications had functional not stop us from keep innovating and solving more prototypes. In 2018, 50% of them joined our programs problems for both our alumni companies and corporate with live products, while 30% of them were generating partners. revenue. We have also seen an ever-growing demand from emerging markets such as Africa and Mexico. Three out of five FinTech startups were established between 2014 and 2016 which means they are now past 50% of startups that joined our their infancy stage and look to scale and expand into programs in 2018 had a live other markets. We know that getting a startup off the product, 30% of them ground is no easy task and scaling companies into the were generating larger industries has also proven to be a difficult task, steady revenue 50% which is why we created Startupbootcamp Scale.