Ed Tech Contributors to Ed Tech Golden Age – Favorable Policies Accelerated amendment of private education related laws and supporting policies. In terms of different education stages, relevant policies have outlined the future trends of each sector. Vocational education, benefited from the relevant development planning and the Belt and Road Initiative will see development trends of "running school by means of 4 collectivization", "investment of private Preschool education will see capital in education", and "going global" in positive development under the the future. guidance of policies including Higher Academic the proposals for China's 13th 2 Education Five-Year Plan which proposes the target to realize inclusive Vocational Training Higher academic education preschool education in 2020. is focusing on "boosting employment" and K12 Education "standardizing independent 3 colleges“. Preschool Education Key points of K12 educational informationization are accelerating informationization, and admission policies at the compulsory education 1 stage have created a favorable condition for fair distribution of high-quality resources. Source: Deloitte Education Industry Report 2017

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