Clean Tech Driving Forces for Clean Technology Environmental issues, Global investment in the Technological Many government Clean tech technologies including global climate energy sector fell 12 advances including leaders have recognized like AI and IoT will gain change, deforestation, air percent last year to $1.7 continued innovations that future global manufacturing pollution, and inadequate trillion, A drop in in microelectronics, competitiveness is conventional oil supplies of clean water, economies of scale from biology, chemistry, and directly linked to being exploration could cause a have stepped up pressure other industries like physics, have more resource-efficient shortage of crude and to find more automobiles and other fuels. significantly improved and less reliant on Older, environmentally benign robotics. Clean tech the performance of polluting technologies. Ways to meet the needs of • Australia: Coal Shortage prices are falling due to many Clean a growing world. The • America: Electricity technologies. manufacturing concern over climate Shortage economies of scale. • China: Gas Shortage change in particular has • Pakistan: Electricity led to new focus in Shortage alternative transportation and energy technologies. Political Manufacturing Energy Technologies Environment Winds Economics Of Scale Uncertainty Advances Issues

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