Paylinko Receive deposits, ask for payments or simply sell digital goods with a link Country: UK | City: London | Employees: 3 Year Started: April 2016 | Sector: Banking/Payments Product stage: Users | Website: Team Product Team Founders: What is it? Paylinko is the fastest and secure method to collect Gabriele Musella, CEO payments in 3 clicks, no apps required, hassle free. Gabriele is an Entrepreneurial Product Manager. With Receive deposits, ask for payments or simply sell digital over 10 years’ experience within Financial, Telco, Digital goods with a link. Copy it everywhere and get paid Services. He has operated in a range of User quickly. Experience consulting and Product Management roles and employed by a number of large international Revenue model: Marketplace brands including UBS Bank, Nokia Siemens, NHS, Vodafone, JWT, IBM, WPP, Lloyds Banks Scalability: Previous funding: N/A Stefano Vercesi, CTO Average monthly revenues: N/A With his extensive technology expertise. Stefano built Planned fundraising: 250,000 EUR his career as a senior consultant for major banks and international brands such as Ferrari and Bantec Employees, Advisors & Investors: N/A Market What is the need or problem being satisfied? Paying people for smaller is a tedious process, it requires risky sharing of payment details, logging into one’s bank account mostly necessitating a connected computer and sending across money. Paylinko gets rid of all this hassle by providing a single link containing all details that can be easily shared across platform and devices. Competitive Advantage: We can offer lower fees (1.9%+20p). We can operate in GBP and EURO (no one of the competitors is in Europe). There is no need to have an account, or app installed, just use your credit card. We focus on the low-end market. We plan to implement a proprietary blockchain back-end technology and be the “first blockchain-base payments system for the low-end consumers. Market Size: Our typical customers are Contractors, Group Organisers and Professionals providing mobile services. Our market size is 600 million market worldwide and our main competitor is paypal.

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