Enterprise Bot Faster, Cheaper, AI Powered Customer Service Agents (BOTS) for business Country: India | City: Pune | Employees: 5 Year Started: March 2016 | Sector: B2B/Enterprise Product stage: Users | Website: enterprisebot.org Team Product Team Founders: What is it? We are creating a bot for companies that will take care Pranay Kumar Jain of their customer needs and complaints using AI and Studied Economics and Finance at Bentley University. 3 NLP. This product reduces costs by 85% of call centers Years of AI and NLP experience and reduces wait time by 90-95% compared to call Viral Hingarh centers Studied management in IIM Indore. In banking for the last 7 years with significant domain expertise and Revenue model: Licensing connect in banking Sandeep Jayasankar Scalability: Studied at NITI Mumbai. 8 Years of AI and NLP Previous funding: N/A experience Average monthly revenues: 26,000 EUR Ravina Mutha Planned fundraising: 1,500,000 EUR Studied Marketing at Bentley University. 6 years of Marketing and Operations Management Experience Employees, Advisors & Investors: Nitesh Palresa, Advisor Market What is the need or problem being satisfied? Bank customers want to have access to their data immediately and conveniently. A lot of the queries that are nowadays handled by costly call centers can be taken care of by AI-powered bots. Enterprise Bots thus reduces costs for banks and increases customer satisfaction by providing immediacy and clarity of information. Competitive Advantage: We have been able to use years of experience to create a system that is a mix of unsupervised learning using past data and supervised learning based on intents and customer requirements. As we are a small team we had no legacy software that we had to be dependent on and were able to use the cutting edge of what was available like spacy to create a robust system Market Size: The market for Customer Service and call centers is over $30bn with every large and medium size company needing the same

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