GOSherpy It’s a safe automatic virtual piggy bank Country: Italy | City: Rome | Employees: 3 Year Started: January 2016 | Sector: Money Management Product stage: Prototype | Website: gosherpy.com Team Product Team Founders: What is it? GoSherpy is a virtual piggybank. It helps users make Umberto Canessa, CEO & CTO small & automatic savings to reach their goals (I.e. Studied Business & Economics @LUISS and started travel, buy product). Revenues are not based on developing with GOSherpy in January. Country interest, at least initially. Reaching goals is more sexy & Manager Italy @ Lean Startup Machine. 3 years concrete than saving itself. Consists of native app plus experience as consultant for startups and company web application (Web dashboard) innovation. Bartolomeo De Vitis Revenue model: Marketplace MSC. w. Honors @LUISS in Finance, 5+ years experience as consultant for startups and company Scalability: innovation. Previous funding: N/A Chiara Lo Cascio Average monthly revenues: N/A MSC. w. Honors @LUISS in Innovation, BA in Marketing. Planned fundraising: 250,000 EUR Managed a University Incubator & Pre-Acceleration Program. Loves UX. 5+ years experience as consultant for startups and universities. Employees, Advisors & Investors: Eric Chambers, Advisor Mauro Beretta, Investor Market What is the need or problem being satisfied? Customers find it difficult to save money whether it is for travelling, for a new camera or even just small monthly amounts without avoiding financial interest or opening new bank accounts. GOSherpy solves this problem by managing small savings online effortlessly, immediately and also for free Competitive Advantage: Our revenues are not based on financial interest like all other similar services (Banks, Digit, Ovalmoney, Acorns). Moreover, GOSherpy’s culture & UX consists of emotional, social and rational incentives. An experience traditional banks might not be able to achieve. Market Size: Instalment Market. Consumer credit loans for private consumption (direct personal loans, revolving credit & non-automotive credit granted @POS) amount to 180bn EUR representing 50.5% of new credit lending in 2014 (+3.7% from 2013). Of these, revolving is 52%.

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