03 OVERVIEW Analyses consumers using machine learning to improve customer experience inside physical retail stores. Name INTELITAAP WHAT PROBLEM(S) DO THEY ADDRESS? Contact Today retailers have no data regarding the consumers who Intelitaap Solutions Pvt. Ltd. don’t buy i.e. 82% of total footfall. So for retailers to www.intelitaap.io understand what works and what does not, it requires a very Leadership Team big and resource intensive experiment cycle. Intelitaap brings in efficiency by analysing buying and non buying Aniruddha Nanivadekar // CEO consumers and providing business intelligence. Sunny Harisinghani // COO Stage HOW DO THEY SOLVE IT? Bootstrapped with paying We deeply sensors to cover the whole store. These sensors customers, raising $500k understand the presence of a smartphone in the area they are located without Wi-Fi, data or bluetooth to be turned on. We provide Retail intelligence on customer movement patterns and timings throughout the whole store, using Heat Maps & Big Data Analytics. WHAT IS THEIR SOLUTION PRODUCT(S)? We provide a dashboard where we connect the point of sale data along with our own. Then we get into the aisles where people are spending time and still not buying. So understand the patterns when it goes wrong is what we figure out. Also to understand what are the reason when something’s right is what we need so that we can duplicate it for more revenue for the retailer. WHAT IS THEIR COMPETITIVE EDGE? We are a total opt-in-less i.e. we don’t require Wifi, Data, Bluetooth & Location switched on to consumer’s Phone tech. This enables us to fetch double the consumer data than our closest competition, so such raw data makes our analytics much deeper which provides very direct & faster ROI to our customers & enables us to keeping building our MOTT & keep The program gave us defending it overtime. incredible exposure to ROADMAP potential clients in the region The 2018 roadmap is to Launch our Version 2 in November. and gave us valuable learning Retention of customer & we want to start working with 4 for our business Retailers (3 UAE +1 India) & 1 more Airport. SBC Program Report | 26

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