03 OVERVIEW An intelligence platform for governments and citizens to interact seamlessly through AI channels, resolve grievances Name and analyse city data. CIVILCOPS WHAT PROBLEM(S) DO THEY ADDRESS? Contact Citizens often avoid reporting civic issues because of CivilCops – CivicTech For difficulty in identifying the appropriate authority, Smart Citizens http://www.civilcops.com/ complicated processes and bad experiences. A lot of critical issues go unreported and unresolved and hence create larger Leadership Team community problems. Head of Business: Vaibhav Gogia HOW DO THEY SOLVE IT? Head of Product Ashish Sharma Stage Enable citizens to use their mobile devices to directly report Raised 50k, seeking seed of $500k civic issues and social problems in public service deliveries like water, sanitation, electricity, transport and others. 
 Enable governments and authorities, to manage grievances, resolve them faster, and analyse citizen sentiments. WHAT IS THEIR SOLUTION PRODUCT(S)? CivilCops has built various AI mobile channels which citizens can speak to directly to report issues in the city. For agency/government, they have built dashboards that help them aggregate, and analyze public data in real-time for city management. WHAT IS THEIR COMPETITIVE EDGE? Most of the competing apps have been only front ends for citizens to report. We disrupt the industry by also creating decentralized systems that greatly increase efficiency, save resources for the authorities and make citizens happier. ROADMAP Starting PoC with RTA Dubai (Dubai Taxi) 
 Partnering with Smart Dubai Government
 Partnered with Trusted Systems LLC for Arabic Translation StartupBootcamp was Raising $500K, until July 2018 a catapult for us into a different part of the world. SBC Program Report | 22

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