03 OVERVIEW Astron is an intelligent platform for asset and property management. It works as a universal integrator returning Name resources efficiency, economic savings and a truly ASTRON interconnected environment Contact WHAT PROBLEM(S) DO THEY ADDRESS? Astron Advanced Technologies We address resources management inefficiency. www.astron.ai [email protected] HOW DO THEY SOLVE IT? Leadership Team By connecting and managing different assets, for different John Papavasileiou protocols and for a variety of infrastructures both on a local Pavlos Giourgas and a remote basis John Giannousakis Anastasios Avranas Stage WHAT IS THEIR SOLUTION PRODUCT(S)? Pre seed phase A desktop and mobile solution that offers real time Own contribution, EUR 45k monitoring of assets and buildings wherever they are, SBC Dubai Smart City EUR 15K provides notifications and issues alerts on abnormal activities WHAT IS THEIR COMPETITIVE EDGE? Combination of three key technologies, voice- communication interface, Internet of Things, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. All combined under a user centric experience. ROADMAP The 2018 roadmap is. 2018 Q1 POC 2018 Q2 UAE first commercial version release 2018 Q2 & 2018 Q3 EU releases 2018 Q4 US expansion StartupBootCamp is the accelerator you want to be part of; a force that brings together interesting people and ideas, offering the opportunities to nurture. With one word, a GREAT experience! SBC Program Report | 20

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