03 OVERVIEW A unique global digital identity powered by AI and blockchain to make know your customer (KYC) or signup Name processes autonomous and more secured for the users of VERISMART banks, telecoms, wallets, exchanges, e-comm and more. Contact WHAT PROBLEM(S) DO THEY ADDRESS? +91 9953652014, www.verismart.ai User On-Boarding with banks, tel-com, P2P lending Leadership Team platforms, Cross border transfer Institutional Lending or subscribing with any other utility services undergoes lot of CEO (Co-founder): time consuming process for compliance, KYC and other Saurabh Gupta checks which goes upto 5-7 days involving logistics and COO (Co-founder): too much human intervention. And a repeatitive Piyush Gupta inconvenient and obolete paper or partially automated Stage process for the consumer Looking for Seed investment HOW DO THEY SOLVE IT? 500K USD Facilitate automated KYC check and onboarding for consumers and allow them to do it only once, with that Digital identity then being accepted for other services too. Since the identity consist of multiple data points from POI,POA, biometrics auth, financial and social assessment WHAT IS THEIR SOLUTION PRODUCT(S)? We have created a DIY (Do it yourself ) autonomous KYC/ Digital Id platform, where it can be easily integrated with any of the product/Service On-boarding process which includes banks, Telecoms, P2P Lending, Insurance, Mutual funds and more. Creating an ec-system with the banks, tel- coms and utilities on blockchain to make the entire signup process for user autonomous. WHAT IS THEIR COMPETITIVE EDGE? For making the digital ID more profound and We add the user Profiling with Social Big Data Analytics and cognitive computing based User behavior Prediction, Instant Verification for payment process for KYT (Know your transaction) The blockchain enables it to have multipoint authentication for the user with consent based mechanism It's a great experience ROADMAP to revive and explore more virtues about To continue onboarding financial &Tel-com service clients your own startup with for KYC automation and onboarding, while developing the blockchain architecture in the back-end. Startupbootcamp. SBC Program Report | 29

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