Investment ($ billion) in InsurTech & FinTech 40 capital has accelerated at the same pace – corporate ventures account 35 for 13% of venture capital funding in the insurance sector today according to LeoTech, the same proportion as 30 five years ago. Playing catch-up 25 Despite the rapid growth InsurTech is now experiencing, it still attracts rela- 20 tively little attention compared to the FinTech sector. As the charts show, while interest and investment in In- 15 surTech have both spiked sharply upwards, the focus on FinTech, which has seen similar spikes, has been 10 much more intense. 5 FinTech 0 InsurTech 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 07

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