A closing note from Sabine VanderLinden “It won’t happen in my lifetime.” This was still the common re- In the few short months since that first InsurTech pro- sponse only 18 months ago to my conviction that startup-led in- gramme the landscape has continued to evolve at breakneck novation could transform the insurance industry. I remember in speed. And much of the scepticism of 18 months ago has gone. early 2015 talking about the subject to practitioners from Lloyd’s, Now there are thousands of start-ups dedicated to transform- leading London insurers and the wider market. They seemed ing an insurance market that yearns for change. And while we overwhelmed by what I was saying – that InsurTech could prove often hear about the innovative potential of the technology to be as influential as what was happening in FinTech. involved – Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thing, Robotics, Indeed, it seemed as though the success of FinTech was not Blockchain, Drones, Augmented and Virtual Reality – it’s their enough to convince these executives that the same was pos- dedication to solving compelling insurance problems in uncon- sible in InsurTech. Or that they could harness this innovative ventional ways that distinguish many of these businesses from energy for their own huge long-term benefit. “What will it take what went before. The best of them are asking why large corpo- for them to see the opportunity I see?” I wondered. rate processes are so complex and convoluted – and this drive Since then, Startupbootcamp InsurTech has delivered its to find pertinent answers to impertinent questions is what will first programme with the support of 14 amazing leading insur- truly transform the industry. ers and insurance experts, 100 mentors and over 200 inves- Those incumbents that take the time now to listen to this tors. The start-ups we selected were largely – though not exclu- impertinence are the ones who will likely reap the biggest re- sively – early stage. This was the first truly global programme wards. Those who close their ears to it may well lose out. So dedicated to them, so there was a need for some catching up, I urge you to embrace the InsurTech evolution sooner rather as it were. than later. The transformation has already begun. 35

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