32 i. Emerging blockchain use cases Blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger of all transac- on blockchain technology emerge,” predicts Michael Juhler-Nøt- tions across a peer-to-peer network which is increasingly being trup of Tryg. “The interesting question is whether the winners considered across financial services as a secure storage and in this game will be InsurTech start-ups, technology businesses distribution solution, has undoubted potential to disrupt insur- from other sectors moving into insurance, or incumbent insur- ance and financial services, but almost a third of insurers in ers transforming their own business model.” PwC’s research said that they are not familiar with blockchain at all. The InsurTechs, by contrast, are eyeing this opportunity. While it remains very early days for blockchain in insurance, 6% ii. Robotics of the applications to Startupbootcamp came from start-ups PwC and Startupbootcamp expect to see a massive ramp-up in looking to leverage blockchain technology. the possibilities of robotics automation technologies that ag- Early use cases include claims auto-settlement, shared and gregate AI, data analytics and rapid software development. We on-demand economies, streamlined reinsurance and capital are already seeing robotics successfully executing manual and flows across the ecosystem. More broadly, the opportunity ex- repetitive back-office tasks with insurers experiencing drasti- ists for insurers to leverage their deep industry knowledge to cally improved processing times and accuracy. Not only will this not only assess the viability of these emerging use cases but have a significant impact on their bottom line, but it releases also to identify other opportunities where it may be possible to valuable resources which can be redirected towards high value, measurably improve efficiency and transparency, particularly customer related activities to boost top line growth. in back office operations. However, in the longer term, the revolutionary power of ro- “Over the next five years, we will see a more fundamental botic technology won’t come from simply improving and au- transformation within the insurance industry, as decentralized, tomating existing functions or processes, rather from the new autonomous and self-organised ‘insurance companies’ based roles and innovative business models that robotics may create.

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