One of the most valuable trends over the next year could be robo- “ advice for wealth management that helps people to manage their “assets with life insurance. Federica Strobino, Intesa Sanpaolo The most powerful innovators do more than simply digitise Spixii also connects to existing messaging platforms with its an existing interaction. Rather, they combine digital with the founders aiming to deliver a fully digital insurance distribution human touch, often using technologies such as artificial intelli- model. gence (AI), machine learning and robotics. Indeed, while AI has Insurify is an AI-powered agent that enables customers to start previously been seen as most useful to underwriting, its appli- a car insurance quote by texting a photo of their number plate. cation in distribution is helping insurers increase conversion It uses natural language processing to respond to users in an results. AI and robotics help insert a human characteristic into accurate and engaging way. what might otherwise be an impersonal digital experience. MyFutureNow helps people consolidate old pension plans into one low-cost online pension account helping them make bet- Examples include: ter financial decisions. They are developing their proposition Spixii is an automated insurance agent. Its AI-powered, mo- to include machine learning, artificial intelligence and a smart bile-first chatbot helps individuals purchase insurance much comparison engine to aggregate the data and find customers in the same way a human telephone agent would have done. one better value plan. 13

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