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There are FinTechs like Tesseract that offer authentication and cryptography tech- nologies at affordable prices so that the platforms that manage sensitive financial data can protect them and generate greater confidence in their users. Other startups, such as DILE, enable analyzing patterns in data to make predictions and build filters that may then prevent or reduce the impact of fraud. In an ecosystem that is mutating from a rigid puzzle to a dynamic kaleidoscope, all possibilities and challenges go through the economy of data. The following chapter delves into how this data economy looks in the financial eco- system, particularly among the banks, which are the data managers, and the FinTechs, which provide many of the tools to act about them. A TWO-WAY PATH 65

Fintech in LATAM | EY | Startupbootcamp FinTech | IPADE - Page 65 Fintech in LATAM | EY | Startupbootcamp FinTech | IPADE Page 64 Page 66