What they do is to profit from the waste of hashing power of the bitcoin ecosystem. That is, it profits from the free wide band in the cryptocurrency transactions to carry out its own registration transactions of smart contracts. Instead of having to create its own blockchain, it creates a new technology layer above the blockchain sustaining bitcoin, to take advantage of its unused capacity. Frugal innovation. Multiple FinTechs and financial entities The radical transformation that may be reached by this new technology in businesses have understood it is the proper time and government will not be immediate. Blockchain is not a “disruptive” technology replacing an established business model with a lower-cost solution generating an to explore, experiment, learn and imagine even greater demand. Blockchain is a new foundational technology. It has the poten- a different future. tial to configure in a different manner our economy and our society, and for all this may happen, it requires, in certain manner, the contribution of all of us. It is comprehensible to expect that the adoption process is gradual and ongoing, as the promised economic and social transformations generate traction. Due to the fore- going, multiple FinTechs and financial institutions have understood it is the proper time to explore, experiment, learn and imagine a different future. A TWO-WAY PATH 77

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