Visa is one of the first FinTechs in the world. dynamics of the user’s behavior or lifestyle. For example, Übank allows establishing saving rules It was born in 1970 in San Francisco, Califor- linked to “guilty pleasures” or certain events. If nia, and its Visa Everywhere Initiative (VEI), Mexico wins a world cup match, the user saves implemented by the Product Solutions and fifty dollars to travel. These types of schemes New Enablers area was launched jointly with serve to motivate the client in traditionally VISA GREATER Finnovista, an impact organization designing non-ludic contexts. and executing open innovation programs with FinTechs in Europe, Latin America and Africa. In Latin America, Alegra and Organízame, finalists of Visa Everywhere Initiative, of Colombia and LATIN AMERICA The bid, which was entered by more than 250 Chile, respectively, are more traditional examples startups, started in June 2017 to look for the of the use of technology, which have systems to best FinTech startups in Latin America. Out of help SMEs with accounting. We also have the AND CARIBBEAN these startups, 50 were selected, which took part, cases of Bankity that helps to handle personal from August to September, in semifinal events finances, T&E Express, to handle corporate trips in Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, expenses; Safe that offers biometric technology Bogota and Sao Paulo, and two finalists from to authenticate clients; Vérios to automate per- each country were selected. sonal investments and Pipol, a payment platform. Visa has contact with the ten finalists of its Four years ago, Visa launched the webpage program under a collaboration scheme of com- -Visa Developer Center-, to plementary capacities and, thanks to this and share its capacities through APIs. In the web other programs, Visa has several successful page you can create a user and have access to cases of FinTech engagement. documentation of the different services. In Argentina its outstanding the case of Increase, Impesa, a Costa Rican company, created a chatbot a Buenos Aires company that created a control within five weeks and integrated this functionality board for businesses to accept different pay- using Visa’s APIs. Now, they commenced to offer ment methods, as well as help the companies it to other banks. Through Visa Developer Center, to handle accounting and organize cash flow. the company is seeking to transform the way it Increase won in November the Latin American connects with its partners -from geolocation to Visa Everywhere Initiative. alerts in real time and tokeninzation- by leaving available its network and added-value assets, In Mexico stood out: Uniko, an online marketplace such as APIs. turning gifts into cash, and Übank, originated in Chile, but also operating from Mexico. Übank is Visa teaches us that innovation is an endless a solution that, through an API, allows automat- story… it goes on… and on… and on… ing savings by using techniques, elements and A TWO-WAY PATH 94

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