BanregioLABS is a hybrid between an innovation The outcomes of this initiative are extraordinary. lab, acceleration program and Corporate Venture BanregioLABS has launched several innovative BANREGIOLABS Capital. However, it is difficult to categorize it products into the market: HEY, a phone app by a rigid definition because of the diversity of working as a bank without branches; COCHI, a its approach and methods, since it experiments savings system that allows the client to create and researches new technologies and how to saving goals; COLECTO, a management system for implement them to better serve clients. At the SMEs that enable them to control their inventory same time, it cooperates with entrepreneurs and payment channels; and a proper payment and FinTech companies for its business ideas. engine for Banregio to enhance card processes and payment methods. BanregioLABS searches for entrepreneurs through partnering with accelerators and funds to identify Currently, BanregioLABS is experimenting with those entrepreneurs with whom there may be a Aura Banregio, the first chatbot operating on mutual interest to collaborate and support them Facebook. to launch pilots. The next step is to help and give advice to develop the product according to the bank’s needs. To strengthen itself, BanregioLABS formed alliances with several Silicon Valley companies, which contributed more training and banking design knowledge. At the end of the process, BanregioLABS decides if it is willing to invest in the startup A TWO-WAY PATH 83

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