The sample of financial institutions that make up this study agree on two things: to be very clear about the objective of what you want to achieve from the link with entrepreneurs and to propose a collaboration model that allows you to explore com- patibility on a case-by-case basis before making more commitments. deep. Three types of objectives can be identified by which a financial institution approaches a FinTech: First. To create a different culture among the people who work in the company, ex- posing them to the new ideas of the entrepreneurs and accompanying this process with multidisciplinary teams that complement with different visions. “We wanted to create a team understanding a different way to do things, a multi- disciplinary team emphasizing design, humanity, behavioral economy, sociology and anthropology.” D. Strimpopulos, director of BanregioLABS Institutional conversation, February 26, 2018 Second. To solve internal business challenges through technological solutions in which entrepreneurs specialize, such as better security processes contributed by Tesseract, the video-inspection for insurers offered by BDEO or the mitigation of the fraud that obtains the IA of DILE. Third. To explore and enter new market niches, which are particularly attractive when technologies create new paradigms such as smart contracts offered by RSK using blockchain or automated financial advice, robo-advisory, facilitated by Alkanza. Once the objective to be achieved in collaboration with FinTechs is clear, financial institutions have to propose the best collaboration model to approach the entrepreneur with respect and help them to develop, looking for a mutual future benefit. A TWO-WAY PATH 50

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