The first step is to create a space in which empathy from both sides is achieved. The corporates must understand the motivations of the entrepreneur and the entrepreneur must understand how a financial institution works, including processes pertaining to its compliance with the rules. “By knowing the ecosystem a little bit, I think it is very important entrepreneurs have more context of Banking, the problems and challenges we face. The foregoing creates big opportunities to solve complex problems with a fresh point of view, identifying those areas where Banking could do much better.” D. Strimpopulos, director of BanregioLABS Institutional conversation, February 26, 2018 Of course, not in all cases a symbiosis is possible. FinTechs have different levels of technological impact and different motivations when competing in the industry. It is important for a corporate to understand them when they decide to open up to collaboration with startups. A TWO-WAY PATH 39

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