08 IT’S NOT HOW FAR YOU FALL, BUT HOW HIGH YOU BOUNCE Tenacity. This is one of the most critical characteristics PERSEVERANCE PAYS OFF of a successful founder. Many startups now wear their FOR STARTUPS failures and pivots like a badge of honour, showing how they persevered through adversity. And this starts from the very beginning. In a bid to build bonds with corporates, 59% of our responding alumni admitted to sending or making in excess of 10 emails or calls 59% of startups have prior to joining one of Startupbootcamp’s programs, 59% made more than 10 in order to reach out to corporates and start that emails / calls to reach fundamental relationship that could open doors and out to corporates opportunities. The good news is that, for the right product or service, this perseverance does pay off, with 70% of our startups revealing they have successfully collaborated or done business with a corporation. While 50% of our survey respondents have successfully sold their product or service to a corporate, half of those took six months to close the deal! It took nearly half (48%) 48% of startups more than six months to sign a deal HOW LONG AVERAGE ESTIMATE DID IT TAKE with a corporate FOR YOU TO SIGN A DEAL WITH A CORPORATE? 1-2 months 7.8% 3-4 months 15.6% 70% of startups have 5-6 months successfully collaborated 10.9% 70% and done business with More than 6 months a corporate 48.4% Not relevant 17.2% WHAT’S THE SOLUTION? Industry-specific accelerators and dedicated networking events for corporates and startups to meet, build foundations and inspire each other are just a few ways that the issues raised from our research can be turned on their heads.